2D Vector Work Needed for buildings and architecture!
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:19 am
Does anyone have any planwork for buildings out there. I need sometimes planwork in 1:1 format. Normally the buildings/houses are smaller than 45x45 meters. Your skills should be preferably in Corel Designer og Draw. And you must like planwork for normal privatehomes under 200 kvm (or under 45x45 m) If you instead have skills in AutoCad, CorelCad, or any other cad program that can export to the DXF, DWG or CMX format it is of interrest. Plandrawings are payed at the rate of £200 for all plans under 200 kvm on one building. £200 for facade plan drawings under 200 kvm. Cut-through £250 for plan-drawings under 200 kvm. The drawings require knowledge within building construction and also awareness within projecting rules according to the ISO standards. If interrested come with answers before the 1 of february 2013.