Calculate Path Area and Perimeter in Illustrator
Ever needed to determine the area or perimeter of a path in Illustrator? You may (or may not) be surprised that Illustrator lacks this information. Luckily, Telegraphics offers free plug-in filters to add this functionality to versions 7 through CS4!
Path Length and Path Area filters free from Telegraphics
pls help i need this filter very much because i work with measurement not without measurement ok
so pls. give me these filter
thanks a lot
arshad shaikh
Arshad: The filters are available at the links above. You’ll have to select the appropriate platform and version of Illustrator.
The links above don’t seem to go anywhere for me (except some strange anti-israeli site)
That’s interesting…
If anyone needs either of these scripts (path area, path length), please email me through my site.
I’ll leave this link up for posterity, for if/when the developer’s political boycott ends.
Im having trouble installing the path length plugin. I download it but don’t really know how to make it work. I’ve got cs4 on my mac.
Any help?
@Vale Instructions are here http://www.telegraphics.com.au/sw/info/pathlength.html
James! I think I need more help than thought! I got the path length on the plug in folder of the program, but when I relaunch illustrator i can’t find it. Is there a trick?!
@Vale Just tried it and you’re right, Path Length doesn’t support CS4.
Path Area also calculates path length. Install per instructions and find it under Object > Filters > Phantagraphics > Path Length
That works just perfectly! Thank you very much for your help.
Appreciate this tip. Quick suggested update: Telegraphics’ product links have changed to format:
Actually, Adobe Illustrator _does_ include length and area information, albeit in a rather unfriendly manner. See this discussion on the Adobe Forums for how to open the secret debug panel: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/317745
(Ctrl-Alt-Shift-F12 on Windows. And yes, this works even in CS5.)
Thanks, works like a charm !
Is there a way to change units?
how i can install tjis plugin in Illustrator cs6 , in windows xp or 7 ??
Ara: Looks like you’re out of luck. The Telegraphics plugin hasn’t been updated and Adobe took away the debugging window (Command+Shift+Option+F12) without offering an alternative…
Astute Graphics has a method with their (paid) Phantasm CS Publisher plugin: http://www.astutegraphics.com/blog/calculating-an-objects-area-in-illustrator/