The Complete Technical Illustrator eBook

Greg Maxson just announced that his book The Complete Technical Illustrator [previously] is now available for purchase as a PDF eBook:

Originally published internationally by McGraw-Hill, this 500-page full-color text is a comprehensive look at vector-based technical illustration. Several software products are featured including Adobe Illustrator and Autodesk’s AutoCAD and 3ds Max, but the procedures and approaches are easily transferred to CorelDRAW, inkScape, Maya, and Blender, among other graphic tools. This text also features numerous illustration tips and case studies of illustration taken directly from business, industry, and commerce. Written in a conversational manner and full of explanations, The Complete Technical Illustrator is a welcome addition to your illustration resources.

Dr. Jon M. Duff has written about and taught technical illustration for forty years and is Professor Emeritus of Engineering at Arizona State University. Greg Maxson has been a professional technical illustrator for over two decades and operates his own studio in Urbana, Illinois.

The Complete Technical Illustrator by Greg Maxson & Jon Duff [$20]

13 thoughts on “The Complete Technical Illustrator eBook

  1. Hello Everyone,

    Yes, there were issues with the download links for some buyers. I apologize for any problems.

    I’ve been in close contact with Kagi, and to my knowledge these issues have been resolved.

    If anyone experiences any further problems, please send Kagi a trouble report and send an e-mail to me directly at I will respond promptly.

    Thanks for your patience,

  2. nareshdevineni says

    thank u so much for the book sir….. even i faced the same problem….. but now resolved… after 6 months of intrest towards this very book.. i can able to put my hands on this book….. thank you so much :”>

  3. says

    Do you have a preview of it available at all? Might be nice to see a couple page pdf to get a better idea of what’s in the book?

  4. chris says

    Also interested in axonhelper – for determining views. I’m just getting started with this. Anyone know of a place with scaling and rotation data for different views? Or ellipse exposures?

  5. Les says

    I bought this book in hard cover back in 2004. I wish that the book (which costed a fortune) would’ve included the PDF edition as well.

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